Category: AWS

  • How Does Cloudflare Workers Compare to AWS Lambda?

    How Does Cloudflare Workers Compare to AWS Lambda?

    Cloudflare Workers After exclusively running my workloads at AWS for years and years, I’ve recently started building some applications with Cloudflare Workers. Initially this was just to teach myself a new technology. However, I’ve been so impressed I’ve started migrating several AWS Lambda applications to Cloudflare. Workers are a stateless, serverless, compute option on Cloudflare’s edge.   What…

  • Bedrock API Authentication Made Me Quit My Project

    Bedrock API Authentication Made Me Quit My Project

    Explore AWS Bedrock API, a direct competitor to OpenAI with Generative AI LLMaaS, and the implications of its Signature v4 authentication method. This article delves into the complexities and potential developer challenges posed by AWS’s security-focused approach, highlighting the importance of simplicity and documentation in developer adoption.

  • Simple Wufoo Style Form Handling Using AWS

    Simple Wufoo Style Form Handling Using AWS

    Hello fellow techies, I am excited to share my latest open source project – an innovative Web Form Submission Application built with TypeScript and deployed using AWS CDK. This application is designed as a simple system for form submissions from your website, storing the data directly in AWS DynamoDB and sending alert emails for each…

  • AWS Lambda and EFS Troubleshooting

    AWS Lambda and EFS Troubleshooting

    Being able to connect your AWS Lambda Serverless function to an EFS file system opens the door to a lot of new uses for Lambda functions.  You are no longer limited to 512 MB of /tmp/ storage, which is shared across all active invocations.  You can use the EFS file system to read, write, and…

  • File Uploads to AWS S3 Made Easy!

    File Uploads to AWS S3 Made Easy!

    If you need to let end users of your website or web application upload files, read on! Using AWS, there is an easy way to use S3 and Lambda to handle file uploads in a totally scalable way.  The solution doesn’t require any changes to your web application, only a little JavaScript added on your…

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