Tag: ATG

  • Additional CDN Information

    A few popular commercial CDN services are: Akamai Mirror Image Multicast Media Limelight End user performance is typically increased roughly 20-25% by the addition of a good CDN solution. This does not count the reduced capacity requirements of your server farm, which is an added bonus. Photo by jpctalbot

  • Improving ATG Performance With a CDN

    Why use a CDN? A Content Delivery Network, or CDN, is essentially a system of geographically distributed web servers which serve static content, typically images, video, and other bandwidth intensive files. This serves two purposes: it keeps your servers from having to handle those requests and it serves those files to the end user from…

  • Improving Secondary Asset Loading Time for an ATG Application

    Now that we covered improving the performance of serving the HTML from the JSP, we need to tackle the bigger problem of all of the secondary assets and media that the page loads to display correctly. This includes images, Javascript, CSS, Flash, videos, etc… The reason that these secondary page assets are so critical for…

  • Setting Cache Headers from JBoss

    Having control over the HTTP response headers allows you to set cache related headers in responses for various content you’d like cached on the browser (or an intermediary proxy). I created the ATG Cache Control DAS pipeline Servlet a year ago, but when you’re using JBoss you need another solution. Since the DAF pipeline is…

  • Improving JSP Serving Time for an ATG Application

    Improving the performance of the JSPs that serve your HTML pages is the first step in improving the overall site performance. The user’s browser can not start rendering the page or requesting the secondary media. Also the faster the page request is completed, the sooner you have a thread free to handle the next request.…

  • Why Is User Experience Performance So Important?

    In my ATG Performance Tuning post I mentioned that how a user perceives the site performance impacts their behavior on the site, and that a fast site leads to more purchases/traffic/etc… Here are some numbers to back that up: Amazon found that a 100ms increase in page response time led to a 1% DROP in…

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