Year: 2008

  • Preventing Multiple Submits On An ATG Form

    Often, you’ll want to prevent impatient users from clicking a submit button multiple times, as you can end up with multiple actions taking place, or object state can get in a bad way leading to errors. For this example we’ll assume you have a final Submit Order form that actually places the order, auth’s the…

  • Wait, what?

    This isn’t a political blog, and I’m not making political commentary, just WTF commentary. Aides to Gov. Sarah Palin won’t comply with subpoenas issued by state lawmakers investigating the firing of Alaska’s former public safety commissioner because Palin “has declined to participate” in the probe, her attorney general says. So it’s cool if I “decline…

  • Being an Adult

    The best part about being an adult is that you can spend Sunday afternoon on the couch watching cartoons, eating raw cookie dough, and playing video games.

  • Moving

    We have been talking about moving back to Boston for a while now. We’re actually doing it. I’m flying out for a one day visit to Boston to go to the home inspection for the house we are probably buying. The idea of buying a house for the first time and moving 3000 miles I’d…

  • Huge Logs and OS X

    Another reason that I love my mac: it can handle 1.3 GB log files easily with built in tools. I recently received a huge log file in zipped form from a co-worker with the warning “good luck opening it, textpad won’t open it.” After unzipping it to the full 1.3 GB size I was able…

  • 10MinuteMail Mentioned in 2600

    First, you have to understand how big a deal the 2600 Magazine is/was to me. When I was just a wee hacker on a 32MHz Apple finding a place that sold 2600 was like finding a place selling Holy Grails. We’d pour over the pages multiple times, and pass it around to all our computer…

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