Tag: Java

  • Easy AI Powered Translation For Your Java App!

    Easy AI Powered Translation For Your Java App!

    Most Java Applications, including SpringBoot Web Applications, use Java Message Resource Bundles to handle internationalization of content. Message.properties files are a handy tool for adding multiple languages to Java web apps. They work by storing all your app’s text as key-value pairs in separate files for each language. Instead of writing text directly in your…

  • SpringBoot DevTools Auto Restart and Live Reload

    SpringBoot DevTools Auto Restart and Live Reload

    When you are developing a web application minimizing the time it takes changes you make to show up is a key factor in your productivity. The quicker you can see the results of your change, the quicker you know if you have fixed things, or made things worse:). If you are using SpringBoot you may…

  • 3 Reasons I’m Switching from Eclipse to VSCode as a Java Developer

    3 Reasons I’m Switching from Eclipse to VSCode as a Java Developer

    I have been writing Java code for 22 years, mostly server-side web applications. I started using Eclipse as my primary IDE in 2003, 18 years ago. Since then I’ve used Eclipse, or MyEclipse, if not daily then at least several times a week. And I like it as an IDE. I’ve evangelized it to others,…

  • New 10MinuteMail Beta!

    New 10MinuteMail Beta!

    10MinuteMail is over 14 years old!  When I created 10MinuteMail back in 2006, it was for two reasons: first to help me deal with all the spam email I was getting and second so I could teach myself the JBoss Seam framework.  I had no idea at the time that so many other people wanted…

  • Session and Memory Leak on Wildfly 10

    Session and Memory Leak on Wildfly 10

    I recently re-wrote 10MinuteMail, my secure temporary email service, updating it from Seam 2 and JBoss 4.2 to Deltaspike and Wildfly 10.  Unfortunately I noticed a memory leak in the JVM.  During beta testing, the JVM heap usage would slowly grow, over 1-2 weeks until it reached an OOM (out of memory condition). I performed…

  • Terrible Code

    [java] request.setParameter("qualifySkus", getSkusRepository(d, cItem)); [/java] “qualifySkus” is confusing. Is it an array/list/collection of “qualifiedSKUs” or a flag that’s a result of “qualifyingSkus” or…. “qualifySKus” should be a constant with a nice comment, not an in-line String. The method getSkusRespository seems like it would return a catalog repository, doesn’t it? Instead it takes in a List…

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