photo by Ced
Yes, I know it’s 23 days late, but I had a few thoughts about this new year that I wanted to share.
I know many feel that annual events like anniversaries, Christmas, and New Years are artificial markers and we should do whatever we would do on those days every day. As in you should get someone a present when you feel like getting them a present and find something they would like, not on a Hallmark holiday like Christmas. Or that you should strive for improvement on an on-going basis and that New Years resolutions are just often broken attempts to improve.
While I agree with some of that, I like having annual markers as a time to reflect back on some aspect of the past 12 months, and to give thought to what we want out of the next 12 months. For me, New Years is when I like to think back on the past year, what took place, where I felt I had successes and failures, and what I hope to accomplish and experience this coming year.
This past year has been a busy one. I bought a house and moved across the country. I worked on growing Spark::red and kept busy with contract work. The move was a ton of work, and I can’t begin to explain how much work home ownership is. I walked into it thinking in a couple short months I’d have the whole interior redone, new flooring, new kitchen, new bathrooms, all of it. Here we are almost four months later and the biggest change is a new doorbell.
For this coming year I have a few high level things (some of which are inter-related) I’d like to focus on.
- My Health – I will get in better shape and eat more healthily
- My Happiness – I will work to lower my stress and enjoy more moments
- My Relationship – I will spent more quality time with my wife
- My Career – I will grow Spark::red and work with integrity
Those are the big four. I’ll bet most people out there have a similar list. They seem like core pillars in our lives.
Body, Mind, Heart, and Work.
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