Category: Improvement

  • A Clean Fridge

    I’m on Day Four of Using Time Blocks to Get Things Done and make headway on some of the never-ending things that need doing that can lurk on in the shadows of your mind. So far it’s going pretty well. I had a couple of weak days: on Tuesday night Emma was out, so I…

  • Getting Things Done Using Time Blocks

    I’m always trying to improve my productivity, my focus, and my organization. I want to worry less and do more. I’ve firmly adopted a loose GTD system via OmniFocus to manage my important tasks and todos, things like “Label circuit breakers” and “Book travel for New Orleans”. For my development tasks, like “add SMS notifications…

  • Happiness

    is sitting by the fire, looking outside at the snow, with your iguana, while the tantalizing smells of a delicious dinner waft in from the kitchen. The rowing machine showed up, and since then I’ve been making to the home gym more days than not, which is good. And, other than the Superbowl spread, I’ve…

  • Home Gym

    Since I’m going to get in better shape, I need a gym, and what better place for a gym than my basement. Currently I have a couple of floor mats for crunches, planks, cobras, supermen, etc… a exercise ball for crunches and pushups, a heavy bag, and a erg (rowing machine) on the way. I…

  • A Brand New Year

    photo by Ced Yes, I know it’s 23 days late, but I had a few thoughts about this new year that I wanted to share. I know many feel that annual events like anniversaries, Christmas, and New Years are artificial markers and we should do whatever we would do on those days every day.  As…

  • Woodshed

    This past weekend, with TONS of help from my father-in-law and my wife, I built a woodshed.  I built it off the back of an existing shed on the property which mostly hides it from view and meant I didn’t have to build a back wall for it.  It will hold over two cords of…

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